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If women actively participated in the French Revolution in 1789, bringing in particular from Versailles to Paris "the baker, the baker and the little mitron", that is to say the royal family ( days of 5 and 6 October 1789 ) , the claims of some, like Olympe de Gouges (1748-1793), author of the Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Citizen (1791), are not taken into account by the deputies - Olympe de Gouges will end by the way on the scaffold.

The will of women to participate in public life, like Théroigne de Méricourt (1762-1817) who tried to create a “phalanx of amazons” in the spring of 1792 , was quickly curbed by the majority of revolutionaries who notably refused to see them armed or have the right to vote at any level. Even if only a minority of activists want these powers, all the claims are strongly criticized, to the point where traditional habits (presence of women in demonstrations, in the troops, possibly as combatants) are challenged.

Théroigne de Méricourt in Amazon dress
The 20- July 21 , 1789the Abbe Sieyes , holds a speech distinguishing between citizens 'active' and 'passive'. Women were classified, like children, foreigners and all those who could not pay an electoral cens , in this second category. Despite Condorcet's appeal , they were thus officially excluded from the right to vote by the National Assembly on December 22 , 1789, exclusion maintained by the Constitution of 1791 then by a vote of the National Convention on July 24 , 1793.

From October 1793 , all women's autonomy was banished from political life [clarification required] . The most politicized that they are “rabid” like Pauline Léon (1768-1838), Claire Lacombe (1765-?), “Girondines” like Olympe de Gouges , Théroigne de Méricourt or Manon Roland (1754-1793), counter-revolutionary , like Queen Marie-Antoinette (1755-1793) or Charlotte Corday (1768-1793) were repressed, even executed. The prosecutor of the Paris Commune , Pierre-Gaspard Chaumette, applauding the execution of several women and castigating their memory, evokes this "virago, the woman-man, the impudent Olympus of Gouges who first established societies of women, abandoned the care of her household, wanted to politicize and commit crimes ... All of these immoral beings were wiped out under the vengeful laws. And you 27 want to imitate? No ! You will feel that you will only be truly interesting and worthy when you are what nature intended you to be. We want women to be respected, which is why we will force them to respect themselves. "

Furthermore, divorce , which was instituted in extremis on the last day of the Legislative Assembly in 1792, was to be widely used by women who regularized difficult marital situations. From 1795, the men put an end to what remained of freedom to the women, prohibiting them for example from meetings in the streets, seeking to limit the effects of the divorce [precision necessary] . The women who regain visibility are the famous Marvelous , images of what is expected of a sex that is both submissive, attractive and futile. The Empire enshrines this state of affairs, limiting divorce, restoring the authority of the father with the French Civil Codeof 1804. However, the revolutionary experience leaves memories and hopes, in which the subsequent claims are rooted 
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If women actively participated in the French Revolution in 1789, bringing in particular from Versailles to Paris "the baker, the baker and the little mitron", that is to say the royal family ( days of 5 and 6 October 1789 ) , the claims of some, like Olympe de Gouges (1748-1793), author of the Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Citizen (1791), are not taken into account by the deputies - Olympe de Gouges will end by the way on the scaffold.

The will of women to participate in public life, like Théroigne de Méricourt (1762-1817) who tried to create a “phalanx of amazons” in the spring of 1792 , was quickly curbed by the majority of revolutionaries who notably refused to see them armed or have the right to vote at any level. Even if only a minority of activists want these powers, all the claims are strongly criticized, to the point where traditional habits (presence of women in demonstrations, in the troops, possibly as combatants) are challenged.

Théroigne de Méricourt in Amazon dress
The 20- July 21 , 1789the Abbe Sieyes , holds a speech distinguishing between citizens 'active' and 'passive'. Women were classified, like children, foreigners and all those who could not pay an electoral cens , in this second category. Despite Condorcet's appeal , they were thus officially excluded from the right to vote by the National Assembly on December 22 , 1789, exclusion maintained by the Constitution of 1791 then by a vote of the National Convention on July 24 , 1793.

From October 1793 , all women's autonomy was banished from political life [clarification required] . The most politicized that they are “rabid” like Pauline Léon (1768-1838), Claire Lacombe (1765-?), “Girondines” like Olympe de Gouges , Théroigne de Méricourt or Manon Roland (1754-1793), counter-revolutionary , like Queen Marie-Antoinette (1755-1793) or Charlotte Corday (1768-1793) were repressed, even executed. The prosecutor of the Paris Commune , Pierre-Gaspard Chaumette, applauding the execution of several women and castigating their memory, evokes this "virago, the woman-man, the impudent Olympus of Gouges who first established societies of women, abandoned the care of her household, wanted to politicize and commit crimes ... All of these immoral beings were wiped out under the vengeful laws. And you 27 want to imitate? No ! You will feel that you will only be truly interesting and worthy when you are what nature intended you to be. We want women to be respected, which is why we will force them to respect themselves. "

Furthermore, divorce , which was instituted in extremis on the last day of the Legislative Assembly in 1792, was to be widely used by women who regularized difficult marital situations. From 1795, the men put an end to what remained of freedom to the women, prohibiting them for example from meetings in the streets, seeking to limit the effects of the divorce [precision necessary] . The women who regain visibility are the famous Marvelous , images of what is expected of a sex that is both submissive, attractive and futile. The Empire enshrines this state of affairs, limiting divorce, restoring the authority of the father with the French Civil Codeof 1804. However, the revolutionary experience leaves memories and hopes, in which the subsequent claims are rooted 
